Saturday, March 2, 2013

Spring Internal & External Cleaning

Your body is talking to you, are you listening? It is that time of the year, to do some spring cleaning in the house and yard. Notice all the weeeds that have accumulated. It feels so cleansing to remove them and allow the beautiful flowers and grass to grow without interference. Have you also thought about doing some internal cleansing. Of course, physical cleansing that is appropriate for your body is really good. In this blog, I am referring to emotional cleansing which also affects your physical body. To explain further, my clients taught me the mind/body connection over 30 years ago. The information has been invaluable for my personal healing and professional services. I have helped many people heal their bodies and prevent physical problems. I offer intuitive body scans and a process that resolves the emotional caused blockages in the organs or glands so that the body parts can function properly. With a background in biology, I actually intuitively see the body parts, and can tell people the problems and help them to solve them. The information is in my book, "All You Need is HART" and my "Healing Your Body" CD. I am offering Spring Specials now for $15 minute sessions for only $39. GO to: Your garden does better when you cleanse what does not serve it, as does your internal emotional clearing. Then you can probably look and feel better, and allow yourself more success in every area of your life. You deserve it all! Go for it!
Your Body is talking to you, are you listneing? It is that time of the year, to do some spring cleaning in the house and yard. Notice all the weeeds that have accumulated. It feels so cleansing to remove them and allow the beautiful flowers and grass to grow without interference. Have you also thought about doing some internal cleansing. Of course, physical cleansing that is appropriate for your body is really good. In this blog, I am referring to emotional cleansing which also affects your physical body. To explain further, my clients taught me the mind/body connection over 30 years ago. The information has been invaluable for my personal healing and professional services. I have helped many people heal their bodies and prevent physical problems. I offer intuitive body scans and a process that resolves the emotional caused blockages in the organs or glands so that the body parts can function properly. With a background in biology, I actually intuitively see the body parts, and can tell people the problems and help them to solve them. The information is in my book, "All You Need is HART" and my "Healing Your Body" CD. I am offering Spring Specials now for $15 minute sessions for only $39. GO to: Your garden does better when you cleanse what does not serve it, as does your internal emotional clearing. Then you can probably look and feel better, and allow yourself more success in every area of your life. You deserve it all! Go for it!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Please Teach Constructive Communcation & How To Raise Self-Esteem!

For most of my life, I have been teaching basic constructive communication and helping people raise their self-esteem, as a Marriage and Family Therapist, teacher, author and speaker. It is so crazy that we have such advanced technology and such backward thoughts about education. I have many brilliant clients who have the degrees and prestigious roles in their companies, and they are weak in what matters the most. Their riches do not give them the peace, love and fullfillment with their loved ones, until they can raise their self-esteem and listen and express themselves in positive ways. Wake-up teachers, administrators, Congressional leaders and everyone in powerful positions who can make a difference. Wake-up before we destroy each other with our high techcology, because we do not know how to express ourselves. I am holding the faith that it is happening now!!!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Reguvenate and Be Truly Alive

As a mature senior, I have actually become younger and healthier in many ways.
I honor what my body can do and avoid pushing it beyond its limits. I also stretch, exercise (including weight bearing), laugh a lot, balance my life between counseling, teaching and playing, and eat and sleep well for my unique body.
Are you?
It is never too late to take care of your body and help it prevent problems and heal itself. Our bodies have an amazing abiltiy to strive for homeostasis (balance). Help it do that and you can enjoy the sweetness and adventure of life!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Living in Gratitude Every Moment

All the earthquakes, storms, flooding, loss of jobs, fires, etc. remind us that our lives can change instantly. I believe that our only protection is our intuition. It is our all wise part that can guide us to safety and another job or opportunity.
This way of life is especially powerful when we live from gratitude.

I often say the words, "I am grateful for or to ____." Thanksgiving is a holiday that reminds us to express our gratitude and not take anyone or anything for granted. By the way, that includes you and what you do or say. So, set you intent to be grateful for all that you are and all that you have. That is one of the secrets to happiness.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Making a Difference Now!

A wise speaker shared how important it is to stop complaining. We do not need reasons all the time. We do need to observe and accept what is. Then focus on improving the situation if you can.

Sometimes I have to remind myself to shift in this way and it is very empowering. I often suggest to complaining clients that they focus on a solution. Their energy perks up and they feel more hopeful.

We do make a difference when we accept, avoid judging, and do what we can to make a difference. How are you making a difference? You know you can, by just staying in your peace, love and joy.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

No More Excuses! Awaken Now!

We live in a time when so much information is available in the media, books, CDs, e-books, mp3 audios, workshops, classes, etc. It is available to all who are tired of struggling and feeling like a victim. On TV, Oprah Winfrey has shared so much, and Dr. Oz is offering many wonderful insights and solutions to help us be healthy and happy. It is time that we take our health, well-being happiness into our own hands. With all the support available also on the internet, and with determination we can change our lives. We can live in love, joy, health and abundance. Gor for it!